#Pair itunes remote software
Sign into the MyHarmony desktop software and select your remote from the gallery.Once complete, remember to sync your remote.You can configure closing a program with Harmony by customizing a button on your remote to do so ( Quit).Add a step at the start of your Activity, selecting the keyboard shortcut for the program you'd like to control with Harmony as the new command.Navigate to System Preferences > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts, select Add Shortcut and set it to Ctrl+S, Ctrl+W or Ctrl+Z.In the Launch Application window, select the program you'd like to control with Harmony (e.g., VLC Player) then press Command-S to save.Select Launch Application by double clicking or dragging it onto the empty canvas on the right.In the Service receives dropdown box, select no input.On your Mac, launch Automator and navigate to File > New > Service > Choose.If you're using an IR receiver, select SKIP at the bottom of the screen. You'll be prompted to Bluetooth pair with Mac.Continue through the process of including devices and selecting your inputs, followed by > in the upper right-hand corner.Once added, Harmony will prompt you to create an Activity.

Select COMPUTER and enter OS MAC, select > in the upper right-hand corner.Select the ADD DEVICE button at the bottom of the screen.Select MENU, then Harmony Setup > Add/Edit Devices & Activities > DEVICES.Launch the Harmony app and connect to your Harmony hub.